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How Many Pages Should a Website Have for SEO?

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In the vast and ever-evolving world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), understanding the impact of your website’s size can be as crucial as the content it hosts. The size of a website, determined by the number of pages it contains, plays a significant role in its ability to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). But, the golden question remains: How many pages should a website have to optimize for SEO?
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Table of Contents

Introduction: The Role of Website Size in SEO

The short answer is as many as your competition has. You can easily check it out by typing the following into the search bar:


You can see now how many pages your competitor has. Want to beat them? Aim to create as many as you see. But do not do it carelessly. Read further to see how. 

Okay..but what pages should I create? I can almost hear the questions through the screen.

Here is another SEO Golden Nugget: Type something like this in the search bar:




If you use this you’ll find the sitemap of your competition. This sitemap will contain all the URLs of the pages the domain has. If they do SEO, they will have their target keywords in the URLs. You just found a lot of content ideas.

But be careful:

SEO isn’t just about stuffing keywords into content or acquiring backlinks; it’s a multifaceted strategy involving various elements, one of which is website size.

The number of pages on your website can influence its SEO performance, but not in the way you might expect. It’s not merely about the quantity of pages but the quality and relevance of those pages to your audience.

A well-structured website with a balanced number of informative, user-centric pages can significantly enhance your SEO efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • Quality Over Quantity: The adage “less is more” holds true in the context of website pages. A website with fewer, high-quality pages is often more effective than one with a large number of low-quality pages.
  • Importance of User Intent: Understanding and addressing the needs and questions of your audience is paramount. The number of pages should align with the goal of providing value and answering the user’s intent.
  • Core Pages for Every Website: Certain pages are essential for every website, such as Home, About Us, Services/Products, Contact Us, and a Blog. These pages form the backbone of your site, both for users and for SEO.

Quality vs. Quantity: Finding the Right Balance for SEO

The debate between quality and quantity is longstanding, but when it comes to SEO, quality undoubtedly wins. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that provide value through comprehensive, well-written content that serves the user’s intent.

However, this doesn’t mean that a website with a higher count of quality pages won’t perform better in search rankings. The key is to ensure that every page on your website has a clear purpose and fulfills a need for your audience.

The Role of User Intent in Determining Website Size

One of the primary considerations in determining the optimal number of pages for your website should be user intent. Each page should aim to answer a question, solve a problem, or provide information that your target audience is seeking.

By focusing on user intent, you can create a content strategy that dictates the number and types of pages your website should have to meet your audience’s needs effectively.

Core Pages Every Website Should Include

At the heart of every SEO-friendly website is a set of core pages that cater to both the basic informational needs of its audience and the foundational requirements of search engines.

These pages not only serve to introduce your website and what it offers but also play a critical role in your overall SEO strategy by ensuring that visitors and search engines alike can easily navigate and understand your site.

  • Home Page: Your digital storefront, offering a snapshot of what users can expect. It should highlight your unique selling points and guide visitors deeper into your website.
  • About Us: This page tells your story, who you are, and what drives your company. It’s an opportunity to connect personally with your audience.
  • Services/Products: Clearly outline what you offer, with individual pages or sections for each product or service to improve SEO for specific queries.
  • Contact Us: An essential page for user trust and conversion, providing clear ways to get in touch with you.
  • Blog: A dynamic platform for sharing insights, news, and keyword-rich content that addresses your audience’s questions and interests.

These pages form the structural backbone of your website, providing essential information to both users and search engines and helping to establish your site’s relevance and authority in your niche.

Expanding Your Website with Additional Content

As your website grows, so does the opportunity to target a wider range of keywords and cater to a broader spectrum of user queries. However, expansion should be approached with strategy and care to maintain the quality and relevance that search engines—and users—value.

  • Identify Gaps and Opportunities: Use keyword research and user feedback to identify new topics and areas for expansion. Look for questions your site hasn’t answered or services you haven’t detailed.
  • Maintain a Strong Structure: As you add new pages, ensure your website’s navigation and sitemap are updated and remain user-friendly. Logical categorization and internal linking are key.
  • Quality Content Is Key: Each new page should meet a high standard of quality, offering valuable information that’s relevant to your audience’s interests and search queries.

Technical SEO and Website Size

A larger website comes with additional technical SEO considerations. Site speed, crawl efficiency, and mobile responsiveness become even more critical as you add pages.

  • Site Speed: Ensure your website remains fast and responsive as it grows. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize JavaScript and CSS.
  • Crawl Budget: The number of pages Googlebot will crawl on your site within a certain timeframe. Keep your site’s hierarchy logical and clean, and use the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from crawling low-value pages.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With mobile-first indexing, ensuring your growing site is fully responsive and provides a good user experience on mobile devices is essential.

Continuing our deep dive into optimizing your website for SEO, let’s explore long-term content strategies, the impact of regularly adding new pages, and how to manage your website’s growth without compromising on quality or user experience.

Long-Term Content Strategy for SEO

A long-term content strategy is pivotal for sustained SEO success. It ensures your website remains relevant, authoritative, and engaging over time, adapting to changes in search engine algorithms, user behavior, and industry trends.

  • Content Calendar: Develop a content calendar that outlines topics, keywords, and publishing schedules. This helps maintain a consistent flow of fresh, relevant content.
  • User Engagement and Feedback: Regularly solicit user feedback through surveys, comments, and social media interactions to understand content preferences and pain points. Use this information to refine your content strategy.
  • Performance Analysis: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content. Identify high-performing pages and topics, and use these insights to guide future content creation.

Impact of Regularly Adding New Pages

Adding new pages to your website can have a positive impact on your SEO, provided these pages offer value and relevance to your audience.

  • Freshness: Regularly updated websites can benefit from the “freshness” factor, making them more attractive to search engines for certain queries.
  • Authority: By covering more topics within your niche, you can establish your site as an authoritative source of information, which can positively influence your rankings.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: New pages offer opportunities to target long-tail keywords, which are less competitive and often more conversion-friendly.

Managing Website Growth

As your website expands, maintaining its structural integrity and navigability becomes crucial.

  • Site Architecture: Ensure your site architecture remains logical and user-friendly. A well-organized site helps users and search engines find content more efficiently.
  • Quality Control: Implement a rigorous quality control process for all new content. Ensure it meets your site’s standards for accuracy, relevance, and user engagement.
  • Technical Maintenance: Regularly review your website for technical issues that could impact SEO, such as broken links, slow loading times, and mobile usability issues.

FAQs on Website Size and SEO

To round off our exploration, here are answers to some frequently asked questions about website size and SEO:

Will simply adding more pages boost my SEO? 

Not necessarily. While a larger site can cover more topics and keywords, quality and relevance are critical. Each new page should offer value to your audience.

How often should I add new pages to my website? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The frequency should be based on your capacity to produce high-quality content and the needs of your audience.

Can a small website compete with larger sites in SEO? 

Absolutely. Small websites can outperform larger sites in search rankings by focusing on niche topics, user experience, and content quality.

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